Thursday, February 22, 2018

For a Good and Faithful Servant

I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes—I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!(Job 19:25-27)

For a Good and Faithful Servant

Almighty God, our Heavenly Father,
from whom we come and unto whom our spirits return:
we give thanks for the life and witness of Billy Graham.

We thank you for his strong character, his unwavering convictions, his humble spirit. We thank you for his undying love for his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and for his steadfast commitment to share the message of your love with the world.

He was a vessel of clay, used mightily by you as he preached the gospel around the world. You used him to speak words of wisdom and guidance to world leaders. Through him you proclaimed the good news of forgiveness and eternal life
to hundreds of millions of people. 

His greatness was not in his fame, but in the humble, gentle spirit with which he shared the love of his Savior. He was a model of Christian integrity, a man who truly sought to live according to your word. Even more, he truly sought to model Jesus Christ in his life.

The hope that he proclaimed is now his reality. Once he saw you dimly, as in a mirror; now he sees you face to face. And surely he has heard you utter the words we all long to hear:
“Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Remind us each day of the hope of the resurrection, that we may be inspired to live in faithfulness to your good news
 and manifest in our own lives the love and grace you have shown to us.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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