Wednesday, March 29, 2017

God Bless the Sewer Trucks

"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it."
1 Corinthians 12:27

I live in a small town, so holiday parades are a big deal. If there's a holiday, we'll have a parade. 

The Christmas parade has become a HUGE event for Georgetown (at least by our small-town standards). The whole community participates. We don't have floats, though; we have entries. Cars and trucks decorated for the season. Being a waterfront community, we have our share of boats being towed down the main street. School groups, clubs, fraternal orders of so-and-so will be seen walking the parade route. Fire trucks, ambulances, and law enforcement vehicles also participate in the procession.

People used to throw candy from the vehicles, but now someone has to walk alongside the vehicle and hand out the candy; they were afraid that little children were going to get run over, or something like that.

It's a festive atmosphere, to say the least. Over the years the parade has grown significantly, both in terms of attendance and the number of entries. It's a great way for our community to celebrate the season, and to show pride in Georgetown.

This past year, though, one of the entries took me by surprise. Coming down the road along with all the other entries was the City of Georgetown sewer and drainage cleaning truck. No bows or ribbons, just a big ol' truck moseying down the road. I remember thinking to myself, “Only in a small town will you have a sewer truck in a Christmas parade.” I chuckled a bit to myself at the sight.

Later on, though, I had a thought: Why not a sewer truck? The sewer cleaners are every bit as much a part of our community as the firefighters and police officers. Where would our city be if we didn't have the fine folks of the public works department laboring hard on our behalf every day? Hooray for the sewer truck, after all!!!

It made me think of what the apostle Paul teaches about the church. The church, he says, is like a body. Just like the human body has many parts, so does the church have many parts. And just as every part of the human body is important to the overall function of the body, so is everybody in the church important to the work that Christ gives to the church.

Everybody matters.


It takes all kinds to make up the church, the Body of Christ. Each person has God-given gifts that God intends for us to put to use in the ministry of the church. When one of us is missing or is unable to do what God has equipped us to do, then the body suffers. We all need each other—that's the way that God has made the church.

I'm really glad the city sewer truck was in the Christmas parade. They are very important to the community.

I'm really glad that God has put you in the church (even if you may be in a congregation other than mine); you are very important to the Body of Christ.

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”

Each. One. Of. You.

1 comment:

  1. What I miss about small towns is the love of community and the get-togethers on the holidays. I am glad to read that your town still does this. It seems like so many cities have done away with such things. And hey, sewer trucks are the unsung heroes of the community!
