Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Recycle Me

“Whoever is in Christ is a new creation; the old has gone, and the new has come!”(2 Corinthians 5:17)

The recycling department of the City of Clinton (North Carolina) is located a few blocks down the street from our house. On the wall facing the street there are three murals made of discarded plastic containers. This prayer is inspired by those murals.

Recycle Me

I offer my life to you, O Lord.
It's not much, I know. I got the sin in me.
I'm not exactly perfect. Not even close, really.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm any good at all.
Still, I offer myself to you. As a living sacrifice.
Take me, I pray, and use me for your glory.
You are the God who makes all things new.
You take us as we are, but you don't leave us that way.
Your specialty is transformation.
You take broken and sinful humans,
and you make us new creations.

Recycle me, Lord.
Re-use me.
Renew me.
Make me part of something beautiful.

I offer my life to you, O Lord.
Use me, for your glory.

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