Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Make Known to Me the Path of Life

You make known to me the path of life;
     you will fill me with joy in your presence,
     with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
(Psalm 16:11, NIV)

Dear God,
On this day I could go in any one of so many different ways. 
Opportunities abound for me. 
But only the path that you set for me 
will give me purpose, meaning, fulfillment. 

So as I begin this day, I pray to you:
Show me your way;
make known to me the path of life.
Direct my steps, O Lord,
that my life may conform to your will.

Of all the choices presented to me,
give me wisdom and courage
to be faithful to you.

Of all the voices I hear 
as I walk through this day,
I pray that your voice
will be the one to which I listen
and obey.

I know, O God, that the path of life
is where I will experience your presence;
I know that the path of life 
is where I will find joy,
for on that path I will find you.

I have a whole day ahead of me, dear God;
I pray that I will live this day
in faithfulness to you.

All glory and honor be yours, O God,
today and forevermore;
through Jesus Christ, my Lord.

During the season of Lent I am "praying with David," using the prayers found in the psalms as inspiration for personal prayers.


  1. Nice photos (I love those coastal sand-packed two-track roads) and prayer.
