Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Best Part of Waking Up


The Best Part of Waking Up (Mark 1:35-38)

Very early the next morning, long before daylight, Jesus got up and left the house. He went out of town to a lonely place, where he prayed.” (Mark 1:35)

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It turns out, walking with Jesus means that I have to be a morning person. A very early morning person.

After the day Jesus just had – teaching in the synagogue, casting out demons, and healing the sick long in to the dark hours of the night – one would think that Jesus would sleep in, get some rest so that he could renew his spirit and energy for whatever lies ahead of him the next day. But Jesus didn’t sleep in. He awoke very early, before sunrise, even. And he went to a place where he could be by himself. 

And Jesus prayed. I’m not sure what he said when he prayed. Maybe he told his Father all about the events of the previous day. Maybe Jesus asked God to follow up with the people he had healed, to make sure they were continuing to get better. Maybe he asked God for wisdom, guidance, and strength for the day that was just dawning. I’m sure that Jesus didn’t do all the talking, because real prayer also involves listening to God, discerning God’s will and hearing God’s direction and affirmation.

Maybe, just maybe, Jesus simply was still, soaking in the presence of his Father.

Walking with Jesus teaches me the importance of starting my day by turning my heart toward him. As it turns out, the best part of waking up is not coffee in my cup (though that is certainly up there), because my cup isn’t truly full until I have spent time with Jesus; indeed, when I do spend time with Jesus, my cup overflows. Walking with Jesus has taught me that the first appointment I make every day needs to be an appointment with him. It is in those early morning appointments that my spirit is refreshed and renewed, and that I get a sense of clarity and direction. 

It is because of those appointments with Jesus that I can face the day ahead of me, along with all the uncertainties that the day will bring, with a sense of peace. You see, the wonderful thing about those appointments with Jesus is that at the end of them, I don’t have to say “Good bye, Jesus, I’ll see you same time tomorrow,” because the reality is, Jesus will be with me every moment of the day.

Dear Jesus, don't let me walk out the door without first spending time with you. I don't want to start my day without you. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Amen 🙏 praise be to the lord for his love and guidance
