Sunday, April 5, 2020

Remember the Children and Youth

Turn, O Lord! How long?
    Have compassion on your servants!
Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love,
    so that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
Make us glad as many days as you have afflicted us,
    and as many years as we have seen evil.
Let your work be manifest to your servants,
    and your glorious power to their children.
Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us,
    and prosper for us the work of our hands—
    O prosper the work of our hands!
(Psalm 90:13-17)

Hear us, O Lord, as we cry out to you!
Listen to the cries of our hearts, 
as we pray for your people in distress.
For our world is in chaos and turmoil 
like no living generation has ever before seen 
(at least not in our nation).

Our hearts today are heavy for the youth 
whose hopes and dreams have been put on hold,
their many rites of passage.

They try to remain brave in the face of COVID-19,
but it’s hard for them not to notice
the fear of their parents
and of the grown-ups in their lives.
It’s hard for them not to see
the burdens everyone is carrying.

Hear us, O God, as we pray for the youth and children.
They say they don’t like school,
but still, they miss it.
They miss their teachers.
They miss the social life.
They miss their friends.

"Let your works be manifest to your servants,
and your glorious power to their children..."

That’s a prayer we offer for our children, our youth:
Let your glorious power, O Lord, be made known to them.
Comfort them in this chaotic whirlwind.
Fill them with your peace.
Dispel their fears with the assurance
that you are in control,
and that you are with them,
and that you will carry them through.

Let your works and your glorious power
be known to our children, to our youth.
Because we love them,
and we want their world to be
full of hope, compassion, 
and your steadfast love.

We love them,
and we want them to come through this
with a deep and abiding love for you.

Please, Lord,
let your works and your glorious power
be known to our children, to our youth.


During the season of Lent, I am "Praying with David," using prayers from the psalms as inspiration for personal prayers.

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