Wednesday, March 6, 2024

When Unbelief Prevails


When Unbelief Prevails (Mark 6:1-6)

He’s no better than we are,” they said. “He’s just a carpenter, Mary’s boy...” (Mark 6:3)

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One day Jesus decided to return to his hometown, to teach and heal there. I remember thinking to myself, “This is going to be great! The people are going to be so excited! I can hear them now – ‘Local boy hits the big times!’” Only, that’s not how it turned out. It ended up more like, “Local boy hits the big times? Yeah, right,” with a collective shrug of their shoulders.

When Jesus spoke in the synagogue, the people were at first amazed. But then, they thought to themselves, “How can such words come from Jesus? After all, he’s just a carpenter. And his family, well, they’re no big deal either.” I couldn’t believe my ears! Their amazement at Jesus quickly turned to disrespect. They actually were offended by Jesus. 

Jesus was taken aback by their reaction to him. I could see the hurt in his eyes and the frustration on his face. He said, “A prophet is acclaimed everywhere. Everywhere, that is, except among the people who know him best.” As a result of the unbelief of the people, Jesus only laid his hands on a few people and healed them, then he decided that we should go to some of the other villages that were nearby.

I thought about the events of the day, and the discouragement that Jesus felt. I wonder if there’s something about familiarity with someone that breeds a feeling of contempt rather than respect. Whatever it was, the people could not bring themselves to believe in Jesus; they refused to put their faith in Jesus.

And Jesus would not force himself onto people who would not welcome him. It’s not as if Jesus lost the ability to heal people, but if no one comes to him and seeks him in faith, then how is he going to be able to give them the help they need? 

If people wish to reject Jesus, Jesus will not force the issue. But here’s the deal: if we reject Jesus, then we reject the things he offers to us. If we reject Jesus, we reject his wisdom and his truth and his power to do good in our life.

In my walk with Jesus today, I came to realize that when someone turns away from Jesus, Jesus honors the choice that the person has made. Jesus actually lets them walk away.

That makes me sad for those who turn their backs on Jesus, because they’re missing out on the best thing that could ever happen to them.

Dear Jesus, I know you allow us to experience the consequences of our own decisions. When people reject you, you honor their decision. Still, I pray that you will not give up on them. Maybe someday they will realize that you really are the best thing that could ever happen to them. Keep the door open, won’t you? Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Your message today very needed in today’s world. Thank you.
