Tuesday, March 3, 2020

God versus COVID-19

But you do see; you take notice of trouble and suffering
    and are always ready to help.
The helpless commit themselves to you;
    you have always helped the needy.
(Psalm 10:14, Good News Bible)

Hear us, O God, as we cry out to you.
Our world is in a crisis,
confronted with a deadly new virus.
Coronavirus, COVID-19, we call it. 
Even the name is cold, and instills fear.
The numbers are alarming:
Over 90,000* people are known to be infected,
and the manner in which the virus spreads
with such stealth
makes us wonder if the real number
is as much as ten times 90,000?
And more than 3,000* have died;
3,000 people have left countless friends
and families in grief.

Lord, have mercy.

Fear and panic have overtaken your people.

And so we turn to you, O God.
You take notice of trouble and suffering.
You know – without the need of imperfect lab results – 
who is infected, and who is not.
You take notice of trouble and suffering,
and are aways ready to help.

Help us, O Lord.

Help those who are infected, we pray;
strengthen them against the pernicious effects
of this virus;
heal them, and restore them to wellness.

Help those who are in isolation and quarantine, we pray;
answer their worries, their loneliness, their fears
with peace – your peace, which transcends understanding.

Help the medical community, we pray;
guard them against infection
as they put their lives at risk
in order to help and heal others.
Honor their commitment to your teaching,
"Greater love has no one than this: 
to lay down one’s life for one’s friends,”
and keep them safe as they faithfully
fulfill their duty.

Help the scientific community, we pray;
give them the wherewithal to detect
and effectively treat this virus.

Help the leaders of our nation,
our communities, and the world, we pray;
grant them wisdom to know the appropriate
strategies to contain the spread of the disease
and to minimize exposure to their citizens.
Help them to provide a sense of calm assurance,
and to apply reasonable measures 
as they combat the spread of the virus.

And help us, O Lord.
Help us to rest in you.
Help us to find peace in the knowledge
of your providence and care.
Remind us that when we find ourselves
in times of trouble, that you are with us;
indeed, you are our refuge and our strength.

In anticipation of your grace and mercy,
and in the knowledge that you answer 
our prayers according to your love,
and your wisdom,
and your power,
we give you thanks;
through Christ our Lord. Amen.

*These numbers were broadcast on national news networks on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. They will change, of course. And with God's help, they will also eventually diminish.

During the season of Lent, I am "Praying with David," using the prayers in the psalms as inspiration for personal prayers.

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